“The Grind” follows the everyday workings of a recycling plant in a series of video loops, documenting delivery, sorting, and shredding of discarded objects. As the camera follows the continuous flow and breaking down of these objects into materials, the repetition is punctuated by unexpected bursts of colorful dust, an occasional runaway office chair, or a household item stuck in the teeth of an excavator. Human presence is only gleaned through visual cues like time cards, key chains, and a small piece of graffiti on the sorting line.
Slowly, the crushing sound gives way to hissing and whizzing of walkie-talkies, and with them, truncated conversations, questions, and indecipherable messages. Just like the physical matter, the language is chopped up, shredded, and processed. But, woven in between is a narrative of anecdotal stories about unexpected finds, surprising discoveries, and disturbing suspicions. Slowly, the narration uncovers a deeply hidden desire to find meaning in the everyday grind, and, if lucky, the purpose of life.
Process & documentation
Production stills